Tea ceremony at
Shakujo-ji temple

We were invited by Mr. Masuko, the tea setter, to have a tea ceremony.

This was the first tea ceremony held by the Kobori Enshu School at this ancient temple, founded in 740 and used as a resting place for successive shoguns when they visited Nikko Shrine. Despite the weather’s drizzle of sleet and snowflakes, many people came to the tea ceremony to enjoy the kakejiku by Gonjuro Yosetsu, the third son of the Duke of Enshu, and the confectionaries in the shape of snowflakes made by Seishin-an.

When I arranged Higo chrysanthemum, which is said to be a secret flower not to be seen outside the gate, together with paulownia seeds, many guests were pleased with my arrangement, saying, “It’s very unusual.

Date: 12th December, 2019

Venue: Shakujo-ji temple, Saitama

Photo: Kejll Hahn