Tea ceremony for “ELLE eten” 

On May 31, 2013, we held a tea ceremony at the Conservatorium Hotel in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, only for the guests of ELLE eten magazine. With the help of Ms. Mame Chiyo, a kimono artist based in the Netherlands, Fuyuko Kobori transformed herself into a flower to welcome the guests who are interested in Japanese culture and food.

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Date: May 2013


The Conservatorium Hotel, Amsterdam (NL)

Concept and production: 

Akane Nakamori / Margret Wibmer


Isrid van Geuns


Margret Wibmer

コンセプト・プロデュース:Margret Wibmer (Mbassy Unlimited)・中森あかね(彗星俱楽部)
舞踏: 山下きよみ (Ganesha Dance Studio)
茶の湯: 小堀芙由子(小堀遠州流)
音楽: 箕輪紀人
音響: 森憲史
コスチューム・写真: Margret Wibmer (Mbassy Unlimited)
スタイリング・ヘアメイク: 中森あかね(彗星俱楽部) 