Uji Tea Farm Tour
From 2012 to 2018, as the head of the Shoraikai Association’s youth club, I planned and implemented a number of projects to deepen our understanding of the various cultures, industries, and crafts related to Chanoyu. With the help of Yamamasa Koyamaen, we attended a kneaded incense workshop with Kagado and visited a tea garden. We visited Uji, a region in Kyoto that grows premium matcha green tea. The region has an ideal climate for tea cultivation, with the Uji River mist keeping the tea cool and moist, which has led to a long history of tea production.
Supporting members of the Kobori Enshu-ryu Shorai Kai are eligible to participate in the study sessions hosted by the youth club. Please click here for more information.
Date: 14th May, 2016
Venue: Yamamasa Koyamaen Uji, Kyoto
Photo: Kejll Hahn